Evolution Travel Scam

Before you read any further, Yes I am associated with Evolution Travel. Evolution Travel is a legit MLM company that you do pay for monthly. But before you go let me make a few points.

How much time and education does it take to become a licensed Travel Agent? The truth is that becoming a licensed travel agent in most states takes time and money. You could very well head to a community college and receive an associate’s degree in travel. Then pay the most money to obtain a state license to establish your own travel agency. Sound good so far.

Now that you have spent the past 2 years getting that degree and spent countless hours studying and sitting in class. You can either open your own business which will take more time and money. Or you could start working for another agency to build your client base. Once you’re established, can you take that client base with you when you decide to go on your own? Most likely not.

Now you will need to start all over to build your business. What experience do you have in marketing your business? Was that included in your education?

What options do you have besides a college education? By doing some research on the internet you may find a wide variety of online programs. Although you do not get the college experience or degree. You complete a program to prepare you for your state licensing exam.

All that is excellent news for someone looking to save a little money. Compared to college education, these programs can run anywhere from $400 to over $8000 depending on the program and the material. Some may cover the process of building your own business from the ground up. This again will cost you time and money.

Both of the options give you the opportunity to work for another agency, which will pay you based on commissions while also getting their cut for all your hard work. Then there is the chance you can venture out on your own hoping to bring some clients with you to start. There is also the building of a website because let’s face it, if you don’t have a website you will be sitting on your hands.

Is there another choice to get started in the travel industry? Both the options you just read about are great if you have the time and money. You can build a great client base that continues to seek you out when it comes to their travel needs.

Let me explain Evolution Travel to you. First, it is an MLM if you want to use that as one of your income streams. It’s just another opportunity you can build your own team to make additional revenue. But it is NOT the only revenue stream if you do the research along with the training offered and available to you.

What do I mean? You can get certified by a large number of suppliers in which you get ALL the commissions. Not sharing with an agency you work for. Some of the suppliers pay anywhere from 10% to as much as 16% commission on sales and your mentor only gets 10% of that. Of course, you don’t receive a commission until the reservation has been completed.

For example, You book a $3500 cruise. You receive between $350 to $560. Your mentor will receive between $35 to $56 on that booking. That means if you eventually want to become a mentor. You can also earn income for work others have done.

The total truth is that you establish yourself within Evolution as one of its agents. You decide which suppliers your want to work with. The suppliers provide you with the training designed and focused on their product.

To make this easy. You decide you want to work with supplier “X” which is a major cruise line. Once your request is approved, you can begin training with X cruise lines. You learn everything there is to know able X. They even include some of the best marketing strategies for their cruise line. All you need to do is complete their training and let people know you are a trained expert in that cruise line. That’s it.

Looking at the BIG PICTURE: There are many ways to get involved in the fastest-growing industry. All give you training and education to build a business. They all give you the opportunity to help people create a dream vacation. The best thing is that all allow you to benefit from travel deals for yourself.

Which one allows you to build a business where you have total control?

Which one allows you to use their credentials to create great travel options?

Which one gives you the opportunity to learn when, what, and where you want?

How will you become a travel agent?

Here’s another big question. Which option pays you to book your own vacation?

MUST WATCH VIDEO to learn more:

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Do you think you could become one of the newest home-based travel consultants?

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